By Amy Langdown
Before I really get into this article, I’d just like to say that these tips were told to me by two amazing teachers and therefore I wanted to give them credit from the outset. I know that these three tips have helped me a lot and so I wanted to pass them on in the hope that they could help someone else. Here they are, then: three tips which will help you develop a more positive mindset.
Before I really get into this article, I’d just like to say that these tips were told to me by two amazing teachers and therefore I wanted to give them credit from the outset. I know that these three tips have helped me a lot and so I wanted to pass them on in the hope that they could help someone else. Here they are, then: three tips which will help you develop a more positive mindset.
The first tip is to go through your day bit by bit. This could mean taking your day lesson by lesson or even fifteen-minute by fifteen-minute. This is extremely helpful to those of us who get easily overwhelmed or stressed when there’s a lot going on. It’s much easier to cope if you’re just thinking about what you have to do lesson one, rather than in lessons two, three, four and five as well, plus a possible extra-curricular activity on top. One really good way to set this tip into motion is to sit before school for five minutes (or even during tutor) and write out what you have to do throughout the day, but write each thing in a different colour. For example, so you could start with just focusing on things written in pink before going onto green. Colour-coding helps your mind differentiate between things and so will help you do this throughout the day.
The second tip is to try and look at your situation from an outward perspective. This can be either from another person’s or from your future self’s perspective. The idea behind this is that even if you think you’re doing bad, you’ll have an outward perspective and see that others don’t think about you the same way you think about yourself. Seeing your situation from your ‘future self’s’ perspective can literally put everything into perspective: things that seem so massive now will seem so irrelevant to you in 10 or even 5 years; this can help alleviate some pressure.
The third tip is one to finish your day with a positive mindset by writing down three good things that have happened that day. Sometimes this can be a challenge, but by forcing yourself to look for the positives of each day, eventually your brain will begin to do it automatically. This tip can be particularly helpful for those who find themselves being overly pessimistic; it allows you to see that even if you feel you’ve had an awful day - every cloud has a silver lining.