Amelia Maddox & Mollie Menton
How horse riding can boost your mental health
Horse riding is a great way to boost your mental health, as well as your fitness. It gives you freedom when you're up on a horse and a real chance to bond with the pony that you have been assigned to. It also gives you an opportunity to find your own talent and enjoy what you're doing. Anyone can horse ride even if you have a disability of any kind, there are lots of riding for the disabled centres all across the country there to help you uncover your riding journey. It is a skill that takes a lot of patience but anyone can achieve it if they put their mind to it.
The bond between horse and rider is an unbreakable friendship that is truly one of a kind, that will only last if you respect the horse and it will respect you.
How can horse riding benefit your physical health?
Along with its mental health benefits riding horses also serves a form of exercise, particularly a good level of cardiovascular exercise. The BHS (British Horse Society) commissioned a study which found that just half an hour of horse related activity, such as mucking out, is classed as moderate exercise, while trotting can burn up to 600 calories per ride! Riding horses strengthens your core stomach and back while working on hand-eye coordination and develops better reflexes and a sense of balance and coordination.
“The most successful combinations are where the horse is as fit as the rider.” - Laurie Maddox
As horse riders we love our horses, so it's important to take care of them properly and show them the love they deserve, even just as simple as feeding them or saying thank you after riding. Me and Mollie have been caring for horses ever since we were little and we have learned that there is more than just riding. There is connecting with them mentally and sharing moments and love together.
“Every horse in heaven has a piece missing, their treasured rider.” - Amelia Maddox