Chloe McConnachy

During the pandemic, dogs were one of the only things that kept people happy in lockdown. Now that lockdown is easing off, people tend to not spend time with those dogs or they put them in kennels.
Dogs are not just for a present, or something to keep company, they are for life. They are there so you can bond, build a friendship, and create a loyal companionship.
Findings show there was an 82% increase in reports of dogs whining or barking, and 54% rise in the number of people saying their dog has hidden or moved away when approached. There has also unfortunately been a 41% increase in reports of dogs being clingy or following their owners around the house.
Lockdown has been a big struggle for everyone, as well as our four legged friends. Dogs have been on less walks, and not gotten much exercise. This means they’ve had a low opportunity to meet new people and dogs.
Some dogs may have been happy in lockdown, but other breeds struggled as they don’t have the walks and exercise they need.
Dogs have not been treated the way they should, some people only really bought them because they wanted company in lockdown.