By Keria McGahon
Let’s get the low down on who was in the school show this year? As one of the actors in the school show of 2024 it was an amazing week for both the performers and the audience. It was full of adrenaline all week for everyone. I have selected some of the fabulous actors to spill the beans on what it was like behind the scenes.

So, you may be wondering, what have I asked the actors? Well the first question was ‘Who do you play and do you enjoy it?’ The lead actress, Eeva Tudor, said that she plays Matilda and she really enjoyed it. It has been one of her dream roles for a very long time and here she is doing it really well. The next person to answer this question was Emily Clapham who played Miss Trunchbull and she said she enjoyed playing the role. Another person who was in the show was Darcey Melling, she played the role of Mrs Phelps. She said that she really enjoyed playing it and she could make the characters personal to her and her own and she loved the costume.
I then asked all these people other questions, the second one being ‘ Did you audition for the character you got?’. Eeva said yes, Emily said yes and Darcey said no, she actually auditioned for Miss Honey which she would have been amazing at.
The final question I asked was ‘If you could play any character that isn’t yours, which one would it be?. Eeva said she would play Mrs Phelps, which is an amazing option. Emily said she would play Mrs Wormwood, she would be an amazing Mrs Wormwood. And finally, Darcey said she would play Miss Honey which she would be incredible at.
As an actor in the show, I personally think I did an amazing job. Let's get the teachers' opinion, who were behind all the amazing numbers and well blocked scenes. Mrs Dyer said she “thinks it was a huge success and that the cast were outstanding. The efforts from everyone were amazing”. She loved the fact that the show was teched entirely by students Iesha, James and Karolina. She found it fun to direct and have creative freedom over set and stage magic (throwing Amanda in) I’m sure she speaks for all the drama/music department. They should be proud of everyone who took part, it was an amazing production!
To finish off, I personally really enjoyed the after party with all the cast and crew. We really enjoyed watching the musical back, it was amazing. During this we also read the comments from the teachers and people who came to watch it which was nothing but positivity. I'm sure it really boosted some people's self-esteem, I know it boosted mine. It was amazing to see so many people enjoying the school musical. We will be back next year with Aladdin Jr which will hopefully be another amazing one!