By Alyssa McKeown, Writer
A review of a really fun place that you and your family will enjoy!

Kirkley Hall is an amazing place to visit for you and your family. You can see animals from around the globe!
Kirkley Hall is a zoo in Northumberland which has a range of animals from tiny fish to cute guinea pigs, from lookout meerkats to the largest rodent in the world, the capybara.There are even peacocks wandering around everywhere! My favourite bird is probably Jasper the macaw whose previous owners taught him human phrases; don’t be surprised if you hear “hello” and “wishy washy” when walking around the site! My favorite animals at the zoo overall are probably the lemurs because they snuggle up together on the glass!
The many additional activities available to do at the zoo are amazing. You can get closer to some of the animals such as tortoises, and bearded dragons, while the paint-your-own-potamus activity is great for little ones. Older children will love the zipline which runs over the neighbouring forest! Child tickets for the zipline are only £12.00, an adult costs only £14.00 and for a family, £20.00.
There are also picnic areas situated around the site, so you can have your lunch at the zoo (don’t let the peacocks eat your sandwiches!).
If your children want to play, there are also parks. They are not big but they are good fun - well, that is the whole point of a park. By the picnic tables, there is a park for your younger ones. If your child loves climbing, the big-ish park by the entrance will be perfect for them.
The prices for Kirkley hall are : £6.95 per adult, £4.95 per child (aged 3-17), £21.95 for a family (2 adults and 3 children), free for children (aged 2-3) and £5.95 for concessions (disabled or senior citizen). It might seem expensive but, it is worth it.
If your child loves all that, I bet they’ll love the “being a zoo keeper for a day”. It is a great experience for them. You get to feed the goats and muck them out too! You get to go really close to some of the animals and meet the zoo keepers. It is a great experience!