By Grace Allen
Hello readers, it hangs heavy on my heart to inform you of a problem that controls the very planet we hold so dear, a problem that pierces its talons into every factor of modern life, a problem that somehow managed to survive centuries past its confute. This problem? Oh how this problem appears colossal! Unmissable! Jaw droppingly obvious! Nevertheless it still slips below our radars. So then what is this problem? Well, good people, this problem is the undeserved hatred of half of humanity, this problem is the genocide of a bisection of homo-sapiens, this problem discriminates against 50% of humans for gods sake! This problem is the societal hatred of women.

Now historically this problem is not new, for hundreds of years it has been assumed that women are the lesser of our species which is a rather confusing conclusion to draw, simply due to the fact that there is little merit to support the claims of female inferiority, there is no reliable kind of science that has ever proved that women are less mentality competent than their male counterparts. Instead however, this is blatant sexism that has taken on an odd form of propaganda that feeds off of male insecurity, loneliness and sadness in a society that shames these emotions, it gives them a reason which therefore festers a slow yet brewing hatred for women who are deemed as a problem.
Due to this hatred many women's lives have been hindered greatly, as recently as 2008 the 11+ test to be accepted into a British grammar school was harder for girls than it was for boys which meant that many girls sadly did not pass so many women and girls were not able to pursue the careers they’d dreamed of. In my humble opinion, I believe that this injustice was a bellicose attempt to keep women out of work so that there would be a knock-on effect that would confine women to the homes or low paying jobs instead of flourishing in carers which would keep them in financial instability so therefore reliant upon a man. However this has not happened and now more than ever women are finally being given chances equal to that of men this of course is something to celebrate! But just imagine all the wonderful things that those women could have done or created if they had been given the same opportunity those boys had. We missed out on a whole generation of the astronauts, doctors, scientists all because of idiotic prejudice. What a tragedy.
Though sexism does not always just show itself loud and clear, it takes on forms that have become so normalised they almost seem acceptable. Take cat calling for example, it is so common for girls of any age to be cat called for doing absolutely nothing that 85% of girls are cat called at least once in their life and 1 in 10 girls are cat called before their 11th birthday! Now whatever your political beliefs no one can defend sexual harassment of literal children, what insanity! So from these facts it is safe to assume that these issues are taken very seriously in our society and we put laws, protection and provide education to make sure that this harassment ceases, right? Well I'll tell you what happens: either a) blame the woman for what she was wearing or what she was doing or where she walked or basically any possible way to shift the blame off of the man and instead transfer it onto the woman. Though if this isn't your style and you prefer something more lowkey, try b) tell the women to avoid the places where these types of men tend to congregate. Do you notice a pattern with these answers? The pattern that never addresses the real problem but instead decides to provide any other kind of solution that does not hinder men. That is our society, a society built by men for men.
But it doesn't have to be like this, it does not have to stay a man's world nor should it become a woman's world. This planet, the Earth, our home is that, it's ours and we all share its land, drink its water and bask in its unimaginable beauty. Instead of trying to swipe away its beauty and keep it for oneself, let all creatures of the Earth live in peace and harmony. I want you to leave the room with a changed perspective, a changed mind and deepest of all, a changed soul.