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Go green, plastic is obscene

By Matthew Clough


The environment is deteriorating, and this is why going green has become so important. Global warming, deforestation, water pollution and food shortages are all contributing to the world's environmental crisis. As a result, consumers are becoming more aware of the need to change their habits in order to protect our planet. Here are some reasons why going green has become such an important part of everyone's life. Everyone has heard of pollution, some think it’s a hoax, but other people just like me, believe that the Earth will come to an end because of it.

Firstly, as you may have seen on the news, animals (particularly sea birds) are vulnerable to plastic as well as marine life. Heart breaking images show dead animals with their stomachs cut open. Bottle caps, plastic bags and nets have been stuck inside these poor animals. It is estimated that 40% of sea birds die due to consuming plastic.

88% of the seas’ surface is polluted by plastic from humans. About 8 to 14 million tonnes of plastic is swimming in our oceans each year. The UK ranks as one of the worst countries in Europe for the worst coastal quality. This is truly unnerving to think that our country is so small compared to countries like Germany, but they still have better water quality than we do. Thankfully, the government is striving to ban plastic wipes. Plastic wipes make up 90% of all wipes and are being flushed down the toilet that makes its way into our oceans.

I believe that we need to stop hurting our marine life and focus on a more sustainable society, preserving nature for generations to come.



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