Grace Coulson
Cute animals are very harmless and won’t hurt a fly, but there are lots of animals that are deadly. This means it is extremely important to be careful of what you pet. Wherever you are travelling, you will need to know this information and maybe one day it could save you in life threatening situations.

Slow loris
This adorable little primate is the only primate which is deadly with poisonous venom, and sadly there has been one death reported. It is one of the rarest of primates and lives in southeast Asian rainforests.

The anteater is mostly harmless and has bad hearing, vision and no teeth but its four inch long claws are notoriously fatal. An adult anteater weighs 40 kilograms and could win a fight against a small female jaguar with its deadly claws.

The wolverine
You may know this name from the famous marvel character, who is known for being a deadly fighter. Luckily, there has not been any documented human deaths and they only kill livestock and small animals. However, carelessness with this animal can have deadly outcomes.

Dingos have owl-like abilities which can hunt prey more easily. It is not really classed as a dog breed, but some people do own them as pets. Still, don't go looking under hollow logs and rock ledges, as Dingos breed there andwill attack if they think you are harmful to their pups.

Red Panda
This adorable panda is usually nocturnal in captivity and is known to be passive, but some red pandas tend to attack their keepers. They can attack you by climbing on you and biting you, or digging your shape claws into your body. However, they only do that to defend themselves if they feel threatened.