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Things to do in your Spare Time

Isabelle Cummings

Challenge Wednesday Writer


Do you ever get bored on the weekends? Most people do, so here are some things that I find are fun and easy to cheer up your weekend!

Writing stories

I love to write short fun stories when I’m bored, and whether they’re 2 pages or 50, it's a creative thing to do. Easy topics could be animal stories, and interesting ones could be murder mysteries. It takes a couple of days to write a short story, and a few weeks for a longer one. I recommend a fresh new notebook to write in, maybe A4.


During the Covid pandemic, I spent time on YouTube learning origami, and it was super fun. I learned how to make cool envelopes and shapes.

Painting Tic Tac containers

This might sound a little strange, but next time you finish a box of tic tacs, save the container so you can paint it! It’s a nice thing to do and they look really pretty when you put them around your bedroom.

New hobbies

Try something new! Like a new type of art, photography, or maybe even a sport. You could perhaps join a club, many people meet new people and make new friends in clubs.


  • A lot of people enjoy reading, however a lot of people also don’t read enough. If you need a new hobby, it should be at the top of your list.

Reading can improve many skills, vocabulary being a major one. Vocabulary improves when you read, because when you understand it in a familiar context, it’s much easier to remember later. The average person reads 12 books a year, however good readers can read up to 33! Did you know? Teenagers who read in their spare time know 26% more words than those who don't! This, naturally, helps you in lots of subjects at school.

It’s also a good thing to do when you're stressed. Many people have a favourite genre of book and when they’re under pressure, sitting down with one of their favourite novels is a great way to relax. Reading reduces stress by 68%!

A book that I enjoy reading is Death In The Spotlight, which as you can probably guess is a murder mystery. The author is Robin Stevens, who is most well known for her ‘Murder Most Unladylike’ series. Some other books in the series are:

  • Murder Most Unladylike,

  • Arsenic For Tea, and

  • First Class Murder



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