By Hollie Muir
We know revision can be tough sometimes but, struggling through it by yourself just won’t do. Lots of people are struggling with you and as long as you know you’re not on your own then you will be able to get through it. It is always great to know that there is always someone that will be around to help you with your revision or homework.
We know revision can be tough sometimes but, struggling through it by yourself just won’t do. Lots of people are struggling with you and as long as you know you’re not on your own then you will be able to get through it. It is always great to know that there is always someone that will be around to help you with your revision or homework.
There are some people who are naturally good at remembering however others aren’t, but, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get better! We know that lots of people are afraid of not passing exams or not reaching their target grades but you just have to try your best. There are lots of tips from “exam survivors” on the BBC Bitesize Mind Set team that you can check out at any time to help: There are also lots of other websites to look at for revision tips, like CGP Books, which I am sure lots of you have, and the BBC who are always there to help.
Here are my top revision strategies:
1. Flash cards- flash cards are so useful (even if they do take a little while to make). You can also keep them after a test at the start of the year to revise for a test in your GCSEs/future tests. Once you have made them you won’t need to make them again!
2. If you need help with anything there is always Google but if you are really struggling there will always be teachers willing to help or clubs that are specific to a subject you are stuck with.
Be prepared and start early-we don’t want you revising a week before the big exam!
3. Practice past exam papers/questions-this will prepare you for what the exam will be like-there is always links to lesson plans and revision on frog too- here are some links to exam boards who have practice papers/exam questions to try ,
4. Don’t just stare at your notes (they aren’t just going to absorb into your head when you fall asleep on them)-rewrite them so you start remembering them
5. Finally, revise in a place where you won’t get distracted-it is no use if you’re on your phone and revising or face-timing a friend (even if it is to get the answers for your maths homework, because that in fact is cheating)
Please do revise, don’t just put it off! It really will help you in the long run and you will feel amazing when you open your exam result and you pass, and didn’t expect it, or even get a grade 9!