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Environment Week: How can you Solve our Plastic Problem?

Writer's picture: The CLV PhoenixThe CLV Phoenix

By Morgan Armstrong


Plastics. The man-made monstrosity that is destroying the environment every second. Such things are very dangerous for the environment and a lot of people say that they will stop using the plastics in a couple of years. But by then, wouldn’t it be too late?

Turtles habitats are becoming overcrowded with plastic

Plastics. The man-made monstrosity that is destroying the environment every second. Such things are very dangerous for the environment and a lot of people say that they will stop using the plastics in a couple of years. But by then, wouldn’t it be too late? If you actually think about when the plastics get thrown down into sea, the marine  animals might think that it is food, so ultimately they would eat it. We eat the fish out of the sea, so there would be a possibility that we might be eating the very plastic that we littered in the first place. If we don't stop then this could cause a war. This may cause them to go to another country who may not wish for them to do so.

Chlorinated plastic can release harmful chemicals into the surrounding soil. This can cause serious harm to the species that would drink the water. Landfill areas contain many different types of plastics. REMEMBER: Never, ever litter. Lots of different types of animals usually mistake waste for food or shelter. Securely cover rubbish bins and recycle bins so that animals can't get into them and become trapped inside. Our actions could be the difference between life and death for each animal that we save. An unacceptable number of one million seabirds are killed by marine litter every year. 100,000 turtles and marine mammals, such as dolphins, whales and seals, are killed by plastic marine litter every year around the world.

Some people in this world really don’t care. How could they? Imagine if that animal was you and you die because of humans instead of some insignificant turtle that ‘really doesn't change anything.’? How would it feel to face death just over a bit of plastic?  I think that people should really think about this, and change the world by using less plastic.

For example, at the Coca-Cola factory each year they use 108 to 128 billion bottles of plastic a year, but now they are decreasing that number by using glass bottles. The supermarket Iceland quoted that they would not have any plastic in 2023, but if you really think about it... do you not think that it would be to late?

Top tips- the three R’s


1)Don't buy things you don't really need

2)Use a reusable bottle or flask for your drinks instead of cartons or cans

3)Use metal cutlery instead of plastic


1)Instead of buying things that are new, buy things that are second hand from a charity shop, car boot sale or jumble sale. As well as helping your environment you will save a lot of money.

2)When you've finished reading a book, give it to your friends to read.

3)Plastic carrier bags can be reused several times as shopping bags and can also be used as bin liners.


1)Don’t throw away old clothes, toys, books, CDs, or videos. Instead, take them to a charity shop, car boot sale or jumble sale. That way someone else can use them.

2)Buy recycled. It's only by buying things made from recycled materials that you will make it worthwhile to recycle things in the first place.

3)Encourage your parents to make or buy a compost bin or worm composter. Use these to compost uncooked kitchen waste and garden waste, which you can use to grow new food or flowers.

So please can everybody body try to reduce, reuse and recycle any  types of plastics and that could make a big change to our world!





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The CLV Phoenix. Official student newspaper of Cramlington Learning Village.

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